You don’t have to live overwhelmed by the added challenge of mental health struggles. The counseling and psychotherapy approach we take for every mental health diagnosis is to effectively resolve both the presenting issues and bring to light its underlying causes. There’s positive change that comes from resourcing yourself with proven coping strategies and looking at your life in new ways. If helpful to your treatment progress, and with your consent, we will confidentially collaborate with other health professionals.

Here are some of the concerns that influenced others to pursue the mental health path:
- Counseling for anxiety to deal with symptoms like feeling on- edge, unsatisfying sleep, feelings of worry, and panic attacks.
- Depression that reached the point of dragging throughout the day, feeling numb, barely recognizing the person I am anymore
- The emotional highs and lows associated with Bipolar Disorder that impact self-care, close relationships, and vocational growth.
Your True Narra path is designed uniquely for you, and follows these essential steps: