In grief and traumatic loss, we hold perceptions that can either help or hinder our processing of the pain. We may avoid thoughts, feelings, conversations, or people that remind us of our loss, and often experience difficulty having positive emotions. Grief therapy focuses on mourning both the loss event as well as the subsequent losses the event created.

Here are just a few ways others have walked the grief and loss path:
- Mourned the loss of an unhealthy relationship or an affair while gaining understanding of the relational vulnerabilities that made it possible – so that they were fully available to rebuild and connect in a healthy, life-giving relationship.
- Adjusting to life as single parent following divorce or loss of a spouse while ensuring their own emotional needs were cared for.
- Discovered how to grieve as a couple while honoring the different needs of their partner
- Oriented themselves following a back-to-back series of losses that overwhelmed and complicated the normal grief process.
Your True Narra path is designed uniquely for you, and follows these essential steps: